• J316 is continuously looking to acquire surplus parts from the following brands and more: Applied Material, Lam Research, Advanced Energy, MKS, ENI, Varian etc.
  • We accept products in New, Used, as well as Parts-only condition.
  • We evaluate your inventory based on many different criteria such as product’s condition, quantity and compatibility with current market demand and more.
  • Rest assured that support is available throughout every part of this process. Feel free to reach out to our procurement specialist team ([email protected]) if you have any questions or concerns.
  • When shipping individual item, please pack item securely in an appropriate shipping box. For stock lot shipments, please ensure all packages are secured on to a pallet. Should you require any packing assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our shipping experts for advice and we will guide you.
  • Once the deal is completed, payment will be promptly processed via your chosen payment option – PayPal or wire transfer. Wire transfers may take 2-3 business days to receive.